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Several people desiring to establish a Church of the Nazarene in Edinburgh, Indiana, met at the home of Alonzo and Caroline Arbuckle on State Road 252, east of Edinburgh, on Sunday afternoon, September 5, 1948. There were 39 present at this meeting and an offering of more than $30.00 was received. Brother Arbuckle was saved under the ministry of Rev. Arvey Myers at the Walter’s Chapel Church of the Nazarene.

Rev. Murrell Deckard, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, Franklin, Indiana, came to Edinburgh and held services until the first pastor was called.

Mr. Will Ward, father of Ada Barker, pledged the first $100.00 for this week.

After a few services being held at the Arbuckle home, space was rented in the Nading Building on North Holland Street (where T.A. Giles Plumbing was later located).  This was rented for $40.00 per month. The first service held in this building was on September 26, 1948.

On October 17, 1948, Rev. J. W. Short, the District Superintendent, met with this group and officially organized the ‘Edinburgh Church of the Nazarene”. On October 24, 1948, Rev. Charles M. Harrisonwas appointed by Rev. Short, with the groups approval, to pastor this church.

Charter members were received from October 17, 1948 through March 5, 1949. Listed below are the fourteen Charter Members:

Emma Hazelwood                     Dorothy Elmore

Robert Elmore                          Clara Brown

Laura Elmore                            Edith Wycoff

Jennie Barker                            Effie Crosby

George Barker                          Willis Brown

Alonzo Arbuckle                       Geneva Hazelwood

Caroline Arbuckle                    Ada Barker

Others joining a few months later were: Lowell Davis, Alene Davis, Irene MIlnes, Clarence Milnes, and Charles Hazelwood.

Services were held in the Nading Building until April 23, 1949, at which time a lot was purchased at the corner of Clay and Bachelor Streets, Edinburgh, Indiana, and a tent, furnished by the District was used to hold services in until the church building was constructed. Groundbreaking services and the first Communion Service was held on April 22, 1949.

The following is a quote from the old minutes which read, “The Opening Services in our new church building was held Dec. 4, 1949. Our District Superintendent, Rev. Short, was there and several visiting ministers were also present. A large crowd was there and a great time in the Lord was has by all”.

During 1952, the present parsonage was constructed. Clarence Milnes had originally built this house. On Sept. 15, 1952, the church purchased said house from the Milnes’ at cost.

Rev. Earl Denny accepted the pastorate on May 28, 1952. During his ministry, the church gained the most numerically. A record Sunday School attendance of 230 was reached.

Rev. Allen and Elizabeth Wilson served the church from June 1957 to May 1958, at which time they received their appointment as missionaries to Guatamala.

During the pastorate of Rev. Harry and Francis Jean Hardin (August 1958 to July 1963) a Sunday School Annex was constructed.

In 1975 during the ministry of Rev. Joe Wilson, the church was cramped for Sunday School space and parking, and decided to relocate. In the fall of 1975, approximately 2 acres of ground was purchased from Ollie Barker. This ground is located on Eisenhower Drive. In November 1975, the church on Clay Street was sold for $23,000 to the Church of God, which later was sold to the Edinburgh Weselyn Church.

Charles Ivy, contractor, was contracted to erect this building. The quoted price for the building of the church was $10.00 per square foot. However, upon completion, it was found that the cost was $12.00 overall. The only mishap during construction was during a windstorm. All the rafters had been put in place and the wind blew them all down.

From the time of selling the old church until erection of the new, services were held in the old High School Cafeteria (now demolished). During this time, the attendance and spiritual fervor continued to be very high.

A ribbon cutting service was held on July 4, 1976, which commemorated the first service held in the new building.

The Dedication Service was held on October 10, 1976, at 2:30 PM. Rev. John Hay, the District Superintendent, spoke and there was special music by the choir.

In the spring of 1983, a Fellowship Center was constructed by A. G. Bryant. This was during the pastorate of Rev. David Cook.  Completion of this Fellowship Center was completed under the leadership of Rev. Gale Ashby.

George Barker, charter member, broke ground for a new Fellowship Center in July 2002. Pastor Doug Wright led the church forward in the planning of a magnificent Fellowship Center built by John Blackwell Construction. The building comes complete with a full service kitchen and handicap restroom.  a dining area that also serves as a meeting area, and even a gym. There is an upstairs above the kitchen that serves as storage, and classroom.  Ironically, even though the building was not quite complete, the first dinner was held in the building on Oct. 7, 2002. It was the funeral dinner for George Barker, who only a few months before had lifted that first shovel of dirt so construction could begin.  The new building has been the place for wedding receptions, showers, funeral dinners, classes, ladies’ meetings, 4-H meetings, concerts, church dinners and many other events. This facility continues to be a tremendous blessing not only to the church, but also to the community.

A beautifully lit sign was added to the property in 2007.

In the summer and fall of 2011, the front entrance to the church was improved and enhanced.

Also, in the fall of 2011, one of our teens, Corey Burton, remodeled the old Fellowship Hall for his Eagle Scout Project. Now the teens have a much nicer place to meet for times of study and times of fun.



Alonzo Arbuckle Talmadge Lane Talbott Denny
Leroy Archibald Larry Hucker Roland Mitchell
Rudy Lee David Garner David Ralph
Richard Schenck Greg Fox William E. Barker, Jr.
Andrew Wright Jacob Morrison


Rev. Charles M. Harrison October 24, 1948 - September 2, 1951

Rev. S. F. Cook September 9, 1951 - May 18, 1952

Rev. Earl Denny June 29, 1952 - 1957

Rev. Allen Wilson 1957 - May 1958

Rev. Harry Hardin August 1958 - July 1963

Rev. Ernest Garner August 1963 - November 1965

Rev. William Bray November 1965 - August 1967

Rev. Carl V. Dennis       August 1967 - October 1967

Rev. C.T. Templeton  October 1967 - August 1969

Rev. Enoch Ralph 1969 - 1970

Rev. Max Mitchell 1970 - 1971

Rev. Jimmie Palmer 1971 - 1972

Rev. Eugene Schenck 1972 - 1975

Rev. J. E. Wilson 1975 - 1979

Rev. Kenneth E. Hawn April 1979 - November 1981

Rev. David R. Cook December 1981 - August 1983

Rev. Gale M. Ashby September 1983 - September 1992

Rev. Doug Wright               October  1992 - July 2012

Rev. Kirkland (temp. supply) October 2012 - June 2013

Jim Hudson                               June 30, 2013 - present